Purposeful Meetups
Building Community and Sharing Wisdom
A Safe Space to Share and Learn Together
Experience the power of community-building Meetups. Share meaningful discussions with experts on important caregiving topics.
Join our Caregivers Community
Whether you’ve felt the challenges or have heartwarming tales to share, you’re in the right place! Our virtual meetup is the place where caregivers learn from experts, discuss their experiences, share triumphs, voice concerns, and leave with hope for a bright new day.
Confidentiality and Respect
Confidentiality and trust are the hallmarks of our meetups. Respecting each other’s thoughts creates a safe inclusive environment. It encourages open communication and promotes the spirit of Christian love and care. Learn more.
Pain No More
A Guide to Finding Relief and Renewed Strength
True wellness goes beyond pills—it involves your Body (structure), Brain (neurology), Blood (nutrition), and Blues (emotions). Chronic pain and suffering isn’t just physical; stress, trauma, and lifestyle play a role. In this post, Dr. Gordon Ko challenge you to ask, which area needs attention? What small step can you take today toward true healing? Share your thoughts and start your journey!
Dr. Gordon Ko
Subject Matter Presenter
Dr. Gordon Ko is a specialist in physical medicine and rehabilitation with a subspecialty in chronic pain management and recovery. He brings 35+ years of academic and practical experience. Due to his pioneering work in the introduction of new technologies and treatment protocols, he is a sought-after speaker by universities and other medical groups. From his biblical understanding, he is passionate about keeping people well so they do not need a doctor.
Silent Theft
Confronting Financial Abuse Against Seniors.
Fraudsters prey on people of all ages, but seniors and thier caregivers often bear the heaviest burden. Scams can wipe out their hard-earned savings, leaving them financially devastated with little time to recover. Beyond money, the emotional toll is immense—many feel embarrassed, stressed, or even afraid to trust others again. As a result, protecting older adults from fraud isn’t just about finances; it’s about preserving dignity, security, and peace of mind.
Tomasz Harold
Subject Matter Presenter
Tomasz is a seasoned financial planner with a passion for strategic wealth management. His strengths—connectedness, learner, and futuristic—fuel his innovative leadership in Christian ministries and advisory board service. With a keen ability to anticipate trends, he develops action-driven solutions that empower caregivers and strengthen financial well-being. His visionary mindset and deep sense of purpose make him a trusted guide in both finance and faith-based initiatives.
The Brain-Boosting Diet
Nutrition’s Role in the Treatment and Prevention of Dementia
Change your mind by eating right. In this meetup, we will explore the hidden link between what we eat and how we think and act. We will consider the crucial connection between nutrition and dementia. We will examine nutritional components, dietary patterns, and lifestyle factors that help nourish your brain. You will receive practical recommendations and a roadmap to understanding and implementing brain-healthy dietary choices.
Gordon Lawson
Subject Matter Presenter
Dr. Lawson brings more than 35 years of experience in academic, patient care, and consulting. He holds several medical degrees including a degree in nutrition. He served with the United Nations Food and Drug Organization as well as being part of the medical team at 2 Olympic Games. He is a passionate speaker about the need for whole-life medicine. Empowered by his deeply rooted faith, his focus is the total wellness of body, mind and spirit.
Music Power in Caregiving
Exploring the Healing Power of Music in Caregiving
In the delicate realm of caregiving, where compassion meets vulnerability, music emerges as a powerful balm for the soul. Music possesses a profound ability to soothe, uplift, and connect. Whether crafting a personalized playlist to evoke cherished memories or orchestrating a calming symphony to ease the tumult of caregiving, the healing notes resonate deeply. Music becomes a gentle companion, transcending words to mend the spirit.
Bev Foster
Subject Matter Presenter
Bev Foster is the Founder and Executive Director of the Room 217 Foundation, a Canadian health arts social enterprise that uses music to improve the care experience. The goal of Room 217’s innovative care approach is to make music more integrated in care settings and personal care plans. A Community Research Fellow of the Laurier Centre for Music in the Community, Bev speaks and writes on the power of music, especially in life-limiting situations.
Breaking the Silence
Nurturing the Sexual Rights of Intellectually Disabled Adults
Promoting healthy sexual expression for adults with intellectual disabilities is crucial, and often overlooked in both religious and non-religious communities. Research highlights their desire for sexual activity. To support caregivers, non-judgmental conversations and training are essential, to preventing exploitative relationships. Sex education for adults with intellectual disabilities is imperative. Let us address these topics so you can play the roles you are called to play.
Andrew Barron
Subject Matter Presenter
Reverend Dr. Andrew Baron, will discuss this challenging topic not from his academic credentials or the 5 books he has written, the 17 papers he has published, or the courses he teaches at 7 different universities. Rather we will journey with him through the heart of a Christian dad, applying biblical principles to the wellbeing of his own 23-year-old son. His perspective on life and intimacy will challenge, inspire, and energize you.
Confidentiality and Trust Agreement
Please Read the Confidentiality Agreement before You Register for the Purposeful Meetups.
Simple meeting rules, foster trust among all participants.
This enhances the quality of our time together and promotes a positive and productive atmosphere where ideas flourish and encouragement thrives.
Ephesians 4:29 “Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen.” With this verse in view, I commit to creating a safe and respectful environment for our discussions by agreeing to the following:
- I will never consider any part or comment shared in this meetup as clinical advice or legal opinion.
- I promise to keep private information shared within this group confidential because breaching confidentiality damages trust.
Respect for Others
- I will listen actively and let everyone share their thoughts.
- I accept diverse perspectives and won’t interrupt or talk over others.
Constructive Feedback
- I will give feedback constructively and kindly.
- I will address disagreements respectfully and consider sensitive issues privately if needed.
Maintaining a Safe Environment
- I committed to creating a safe and inclusive space.
- I will not tolerate harassment, bullying, or disrespectful behaviour towards anyone at any time.
Meeting Rules
- I agree to follow meeting rules that promote respect and confidentiality.
- I will encourage others to understand and agree to these rules.
Balanced Participation
- As I actively share my thoughts, I will not dominate the discussions.
- I will encourage silent members to share their thoughts.
Role of the Facilitator
- I respect the role of the meeting facilitator in maintaining a respectful and confidential atmosphere.
- I will allow the facilitator the authority to ensure meetings run smoothly.
Content And Liability
- I understand that the Caregiver’s Community does not offer any clinical or professional advice.
- I agree that under no circumstances will any part of any presentation or discussion be considered professional or clinical advice.
- I will never hold this ministry, its board or officers or any of the presenters liable for assuming that they provide clinical or professional advice.
- I will never communicate to others any information that is contrary to this above understanding.